Vol:2 N:4

Vol:2  N:4 Fall 2007

Yasemin Mumcu Ay…………………………………………………… 4

The Physiology-Psychology Relation in Halit Ziya Uşaklıgil Novels

Birol Caymaz……………………………………………………………..  22

La Laicité en Turquie: Le Poids de l’héeritage Ottoman

Bahriye Çeri……………………………………………………………..   34

Ahmet Haşim et Hilmi Yavuz: Deux étoiles voisines dans le ciel de la poésie

Osman Gündüz ………………………………………………………..   44

Parmi les Romans du Modernisme: Amak-ı Hayal and Perviz

Hilmi Uçan  …………………………………………………………..  59

Absurd Philosophy in the Novel Aylak Adam by Yusuf Atılgan

Hilal Akgül  ……………………………………………………………   75

The Transation from Industrial Plans to Development Planning in Turkey

Işıl Altun  ……………………………………………………………..  88

Eschatology or Ends of History