Notes for Authors

The International Journal of Turcologia is a refereed journal. Articles submitted to The International Journal of Turcologia should be original contributions and should not be under consideration for any other publication at the same time. Each manuscript should be submitted in duplicate with a high density 31/2 disk in rich text format (RTF). Articles should be typewritten on A4 paper, on one side only, double spaced and with ample margins. All pages should be numbered consecutively. The maximum length for articles is 8000 words including footnotes. The article should begin with a summary of around 150 words. Author’s full address, contact information, institutional affiliation should be included on a separate cover sheet. Authors are entitled one copy of the issue which their article appears.

Style and Notes:

Headings should be in bold type. Dates should be given in the form 23 July 1908; 1939-1945; the 1930’s.Notes should be numbered consecutively at the end.

Referenece to book: Ali Birinci. Hürriyet ve İtilaf Fırkası. İstanbul: Dergah Yayınları 1990, pp:23-24

Reference to article: Abdullah Uçman, “Dr. Rıza Tevfik’e Ait İki Belge” Tarih ve Toplum. N:221 May 2002 p:32

Paul Dumont, “Yahudi, Sosyalist ve Osmanlı Bir Örgüt: Selanik İşçi Federasyonu”, Osmanlı İmparatorluğu’nda Sosyalizm ve Milliyetçilik (1876-1908), ed. Mete Tunçay-Erik Jan Zürcher, İstanbul: Editions İletişim, p:83

When reference to the same work without interruption ibid; with interruption the author’s last name and a shortened title of the work should be used. Birinci, Hürriyet ve İtilaf. p: 74ibid: p:82

Book Reviews: At the head of the review the following information must be given: author, title, place of publication, publisher, date of publication, number of pages ISBN. At the foot the authors name and affiliation.